Agile and other methodologies




Intro Video -

Scrum Articles

Scrum Training

To do

  • Notes
  • Anki deck
  • Checkout Agile Training Paths in Intranet showing all roles + paths
  • Checkout CHAOS report - 50k projects + results
  • Jurgen Appelo - Mgmt 3.0
  • Agile Matching exercise with the team
    • 4 values / 12 principles
  • Checkout Spotify Scaling Agile Framework
  • Book - Agile Estimating and Planning
  • Greenbelt training on impediments, happens twice per year, organised around resolving problems -
  • Book - Scrum Mastery -> not available in Safari

Training Notes

Training Aims

  • Learn Agile Principles and Mindset

Scrum -> Framework

Exam: VS Scrum Alliance 85% to pass 65% to pass 60 minutes - everlasting

Examples of Team Tools

  • Working Agreements
  • Question board
  • Niko Niko

Note - MoSCoW requirements could be important

  • Scrum Master -> Is a CHANGE AGENT - bringing change to the team

  • Mixing Scrum & Kanban - typically done before/after - e.g. Kanban of ideas feeding into Scrum of development


  • Fix time
  • Estimate costs
  • Negotiate Scope

                  /     \
                TIME -- COSTS

Transparency - Implies both what the team is doing AND what is expected of them i.e. a Roadmap

SHU HA RI Principle

Scrum - what it is /is not -> see in notes

  • Sprint -> 1 MONTH MAX - limits the risk
  • treat it like a small project

Scrum Master Role

  Should be FULL TIME role, not mix of dev/SM
  Tricky to bring this role to organisations
      How to measure the impact?
      Always a Dev but shouldn't develop


Mkting Sponsor Architect Mgr PMO

  PO                                                DEV                                                  Scrum Master

Customer Other Scrum Teams


Should always focus on ->


NOT PROCESS i.e. eventually the Scrum Master is no longer necessary

Product Owner -

  Doesn't need to attend daily standup 
  Should be available for communication

Project Mgmt

-> done by Dev Team and PO - i.e. not an SM responsibility

10% - 0.5 Days per week on Backlog Refinement

Backlog History

-> NOT PRESENT IN JIRA but very important

  Gives points for historical stories
  See the manual
  Take a selection from various sprints and update + replace stories as needed to have a good grouping

Value Poker - Product Owner - instead of sizing poker, they play Value Poker


  Can use Value/Estimate ratio to identify quick wins for the sprints

Estimation and Planning

-> Scrum - Scientific part isn't the poker sizing, it's in the inspection and adaptation -> Waterfall - Scientific part is in the initial sizing estimates

Key Concept From

  Sprint Goal -> is the WHAT?                    - be committed on this
  Product Backlog Items -> is the HOW?      - be flexible on this

Sprint Planning - 8hrs/1month sprint

SM Tip -> Don't always jump in to highlight issues immediately - Team may fix the issues themselves or raise them at the retrospective

         -> If not raised, then raise @ retrospective

Story Point What it is:


What it is not:


Doing TIME stops us having the valuable opportunity to explore the RISK, COMPLEXITY, SIZE

Transparency See the manual for the list of Data Items to make public

TIP -> Transparency to outside world

Sprint Review

  Not a status meeting
  Stakeholders are there to provide feedback - make sure this is communicated and understood
  Demo is a part of Sprint Review but not it's only purpose