Swagger2puml and OpenApi2puml

My fork of Swagger2PlantUML


Continuous Integration, publishing etc

OpenAPI2PUML technical notes

These are my notes about how the project is structured and the flow through the logic

Control flow V2

  • Entry point is OpenApi2PlantUML class where the main() is
    • It will handle the inputs, does some checking and then calls PlantUMLGenerator
  • PlantUMLGenerator.transformOpenApi2Puml then handles parsing Swagger spec, calling PlantUMLCodegen and generating the diagram image
    • Parsing Swagger spec is done by calling the Swagger parser and then handling the java objects returned
    • PlanUMLCodegen is detailed below but creates a plantUML file at the location specified input
    • Generating an image file is done if required (currently buggy)
  • PlantUMLCodegen handles
    • converting the parsed Swagger objects into the application object model
      • Swagger Model definitions become PlantUML Classes
      • Swagger Paths become PlantUML Interfaces
      • The compositions between the models and paths become the PlantUML Relations
    • building a key-value map of the objects to be used in the mustache template
    • calling the mustache template to generate the plantuml code

Class building

We get the list of Models and loop through each one

  • Super class: this is getting I guess the extended parent class but has different processing depending on if model is arrray model or impl TODO - understand this better
  • Class Members: getting the properties of the class but varies depending on ref properties or simple properties and a lot of refactoring is neeeded here
    • TODO: many repeated overloads without clear indication of what the override does
  • Child classes: getting child class relations here but not very clear about what this is and why it is needed… TODO - expand understanding of this one and especially why we don't have source class added here and instead do it in the relation building.

Interface building

  • Converts paths to Interfaces
    • TODO - the way that the tags are used to determine Interface name means that we cannot decode the stripe spec for example since it doesn't use tags or ids.

Relation building

My Notes

  • There are a lot of misplaced responsibilities in the current setup
    • The mustache utility also writes the plantuml file
      • this responsibility is not well placed and stops us using the generator for anything apart from generating files, we could never use it say a web app or as a service to stream back the generated puml code in text for example.
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response

if (condition A) then (yes)
  :Text 1;
elseif (condition B) then (yes)
  :Text 2;
elseif (condition C) then (yes)
  :Text 3;
elseif (condition D) then (yes)
  :Text 4;
else (nothing)
  :Text else;

Control Flow v3

Class Building

Everything starts from Components->Schemas. Everything is a Schema object including the properties of a Schema. I haven't yet found a list of all the properties but I know there are simple Schema Types like Strings, Integers etc. but also things like Array which need to be handled differently.