Learning Project
- Learning project to explore some new tech and keep up to date on full stack stuff
- Angular
- Springboot
- Gradle
- Docker
TODO - add tooling here, IDE, java versions, git etc.
* git setup - used windows version to have the bash * Starting out by installing in windows but could be interesting to use the docker stuff under ubuntu
First steps - Setup new machine
Java install
- What version to choose:
- At work we're using Java8 Oracle so wouldn't mind trying out something else
- OpenJDK11 seems like a good place to start.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_version_history
- I kept things simple, unzipped OpenJDK11 to DCDev and created JAVA_HOME and added to PATH
Gradle install
I haven't worked with it before so I have a lot to learn here.
- Guides for building different types of projects - https://gradle.org/guides/
- https://gradle.org/install/
The install for windows is done manually It seems also that the Spring gradle guide is out of date compared to the latest gradle guide where there's a gradle init to setup and standard java project structure etc.…
Tips from Arnaud
OReilly "Web application development with Spring and Angular"
Start Development
- Basic tutorial with gradle/maven etc.
- https://spring.io/guides/gs/spring-boot/
- https://spring.io/guides/gs/gradle/
- really old 2.13 vs actual 5.4.1 - issues when using the gradlew commands since my JDK 11 was not compatible.
- https://spring.io/guides/gs/spring-boot-docker/
Link dump - Event driven project + cloud TODO
- http://www.benstopford.com/2018/06/07/rest-request-response-gateway/ - DONE
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/architecture/patterns/sidecar - DONE
- https://github.com/dapr/dapr - DONE
- https://dapr.io - DONE
- https://vertx.io/introduction-to-vertx-and-reactive/ - DONE BUT WORTH A SECOND LOOK
- https://smallrye.io/smallrye-reactive-messaging/smallrye-reactive-messaging/3.9/concepts.html DONE
- https://developer.lightbend.com/docs/introduction/traditional-architecture.html - DONE
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service-oriented_architecture - DONE
- https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html#footnote-etymology
- https://www.ibm.com/cloud/blog/soa-vs-microservices - DONE (NOT GOOD)
- https://www.progress.com/blogs/the-relationship-between-cep-eda-and-soa - DONE (NOT GOOD)
- https://quarkus.io/guides/rest-client
- FINISH READING Reactive messaging spec https://download.eclipse.org/microprofile/microprofile-reactive-messaging-1.0/microprofile-reactive-messaging-spec.pdf
- CQRS - command query responsibility segregation - https://martinfowler.com/bliki/CQRS.html
- https://kafka.apache.org/20/documentation/streams/developer-guide/testing.html
- https://www.reddit.com/r/apachekafka/comments/seifte/kafka_learning_path/
- https://quarkus.io/guides/getting-started
- https://medium.com/swlh/apache-kafka-in-a-nutshell-5782b01d9ffb
- Kafka Cheatsheet - https://thecodinginterface.com/blog/kafka-cli-cheat-sheet/
- ArgoCD - gitops style continuous deployment - https://argo-cd.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
- Loom virtual threads in Quarkus - https://developers.redhat.com/devnation/tech-talks/integrate-loom-quarkus
- Reactive in Quarkus - TODO mutiny vs Completable future - https://quarkus.io/guides/quarkus-reactive-architecture
- Apparently mutiny is more truly reactive
- but sometimes need both - https://medium.com/@alexei.rubinov/combining-smallrye-mutiny-and-completionstage-approach-in-quarkus-ec23751578b9
- Comparing them + suggesting use cases e.g. single microservice collateral call vs stream of calls - https://www.jrebel.com/blog/java-completablefuture-api
- Executor service for async in Java https://www.baeldung.com/java-executor-service-tutorial
Kubernetes stuff
- https://www.tutorialworks.com/kubernetes-pod-communication/
- https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/connect-applications-service/
Event driven vs Reactive
- Event driven is from process based events, Reactive is data driven - reacting to the change of a data value.
Fibre optic
- https://lafibre.info/raccordement-maison/maison-au-fond-dun-passage-de-10-maisons/
- https://reseaux.orange.fr/maison/comment-avoir-fibre
Games in java
- Golden Axe clone in java - https://github.com/derek-keeler/GoldenAxeClone