
Notes from Training

Functions of Splunk

  • Index Data
  • Search and Investigate
  • Add Knowledge
  • Monitor and Alert
  • Report and Analyze


Receives info from exterior, normalizes formats based on source type, extracts the timestamps and organizes into a searchable index

Web UI


Apps are workspaces. 2 defaults, Home and Search & Report. Admin role can install new Apps, Power user can create knowledge objects and share them.

SplunkBase - repo of many example Apps.

Enterprise Web UI

  • Splunk bar - user settings, activity etc.
  • App bar - search,dashboards etc.
Search tab
  • Can search using an index and time limit + query options
    • Search history also listing previous searches
    • Best Practice for Search - LIMIT time, use OR or IN to avoid wildcards
    • search will automatically look for patterns - see under tab
    • events tab has raw events
    • Visualization + Statistics if your search generates them
    • Can share a search by link
    • Search job remains active for 10mins by default
    • Shared search job remains active for 7 days by default
  • Data Summary (when available) - breakdown of
    • Host - e.g. microservice
    • Source - e.g. file or log
    • SourceType - e.g. access_combined, cisco_firewall
  • Table view
    • Allows creating views of the data without using SPL (Splunk - search processing language)
Search Modes
  • Fast - no field discovery
  • Verbose - every possible field
  • Smart - some field discovery

TODO - need to understand some more with examples

  • Search results have a timeline also - can zoom to particular parts
  • Can highlight text in results and add to search + reruns automatically
  • Search terms NOT case sensitive
  • can negate by NOT - e.g. fail NOT password -> all fail events apart from fail password
  • escape characters with backslash

  • Splunk Search Language - 5 parts
    • Search Terms - basis of getting the information
    • Commands - tell what we want to do with the results
      • Creating charts, compute stats, formatting
    • Functions - explain how to chart, compute and evaluate results
    • Arguments - variables to apply to the function
    • Clauses - how to group results
  • Best Practices
    • use OR or IN to avoid wildcards
    • Filter as early as possible
    • Default indexed fields - index, source, host, hosttype - use these to get the fastest results
    • Give as much info as possible to the query
    • Inclusion better than exclusion - e.g access denied better than NOT access granted

Knowledge Objects

Tools that help you discover and analyze data and can be used/reused and shared to others.

5 types

  • Data interpretation
    • Fields, field extractions, calculated fields
  • Data Classification
    • Event Types to categorize data, transactions to regroup events
  • Data Enrichment
    • Lookup data to enrich, workflow actions can link to external resources
  • Data Normalization
    • Tags to label data, field aliases to normalize data from multiple sources
  • Data Models
    • Hierarchically structure datasets Knowledge manager - responsible for stewarding the data

Creating Reports and Dashboards

  • Reports
    • Save and share searches
    • Can select to add or not the time range picker
    • Should define naming convention
    • Can display for and run as different users to allow access to info not normally available to someone
  • Dashboard regroups the information of multiple reports