

Docker is a container engine built on LXC tech - VE implementations of Linux environments.



  • Docker, Dockerfile, and Docker-Compose (2020 Ready!)

  • Tip - use the docs on dockerhub to see how to use the images
  • Redhat developer network -
      • Containers -
      • Podman -
      • Buildah -


Basic commands

Starting and stopping containers

# Run a docker image interactively and connecting with bash terminal, downloading if necessary
docker run -it ubuntu /bin/bash

# Run with a name, detached and will rm the container on exit
docker run -it -d --rm --name linux1 ubuntu /bin/bash

# List all containers
docker ps
docker ps -a # list even stopped containers

# start/stop a container
docker start <container id>
docker stop <container id>

# attach to a running container
docker attach <container id>
docker attach <container name>

# remove a container
docker rm <container id>
-f # force the removal of the container

  • Can override the CMD from the dockerfile when running (eg run shell to see structure of container).
# build the image
sudo docker build -t openapi2puml-test-image .

# run the container in interactive terminal mode (-it) and override CMD with bash shell
sudo docker run -it openapi2puml-test-image /bin/bash

# run the container normally
sudo docker run -it openapi2puml-test-image

# can also run an image id
docker run ab09184bcb23

# run with an env file in input and detached to not take the terminal
docker run -d \--env-file .env ab09184bcb23

# Seeing running docker containers
docker ps

# Connecting to the box
docker exec -ti <container id from docker ps> bash

# Docker compose with detached and select container to start
$ docker-compose up -d <service or container name>
$ docker-compose down

# tailing the container log
$ docker logs -f <container id>

# Example following a container log and grepping to wait for a particular output
docker logs --follow '${container}' 2>&1 | grep --max-count=1 'I am alive at'

# killing all running containers with a specific ancestor
docker kill $(docker ps -f "" -a -q)

# docker prune
docker container prune
docker image prune
docker network prune --force # good to run every so often to get rid of conflicting networks from old runs

# docker image delete

# See the configuration of the docker container
docker inspect <container_id>

# Get the IP address for a running container, searching by image name
docker inspect --format='' $(docker ps -f ancestor=myImageName --format "")

Basic images

Using network host

Volumes and Mounting

# outputting an ls to a file on the host (NB --rm to remove once done)
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/myvol ubuntu /bin/bash -c "ls -lha > /myvol/myfile.txt"

# docker run with setting working directory - like doing cd <dir> inside the docker container
docker run ... -w <dir>

# Dockerfile ENTRY_POINT is a command to run when starting the containerf

# --rm to remove the container after the run....
docker run -it --rm --name my-running-script php:7.2-cli /bin/bash

# Nice example to show form of docker run <options> <image - php:7.2-cli> <cmd - phpindex.php> to output result of running a php file
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/myfiles -w /myfiles --name my-running-script php:7.2-cli phpindex.php

Port Forwarding and server logs

# Run a httpd daemon with -p to forward HOST port 8080 to GUEST(container) port 80 - can browse to http://localhost:8080 from local machine
docker run -d -p 8080:80 httpd


Simple Dockerfile

# Simple Dockerfile (index.php created already in the same dir)
FROM php:7.2-cli

RUN mkdir /myproject
COPY index.php /myproject
WORKDIR /myproject

CMD php index.php

# build image with tag myphpapp - . indicates Dockerfile found in this directory
docker build -t myphpapp .
docker run myphpapp

# listing images and deleting them (nb need to remove containers first)
docker image ls
docker rmi <tag>

Dockerfile with EXPOSE for php dev server

  • Link to docker docs EXPOSE
    • "-P" publishes all ports
    • Otherwise map with -p
    • If the base image (something like php-apache) already exposes a port, you can just do the mapping, no need to explicity use EXPOSE in your image.

# Dockerfile with EXPOSE
FROM php:7.2-cli

RUN mkdir /myproject
COPY index.php /myproject
WORKDIR /myproject

CMD ["php", "-S", ""]

# build as before
docker build -t myphpapp .

# run with port forward to map host to guest ports
docker run--name myphp-container-p 8080:8000 myphpapp

Push to dockerhub example

docker login
# Assume you already have an image mycurl and your username is myUser123
docker tag mycurl myUser123/mycurl:latest
# See both local tag + userId/tag created
docker image ls
# push to dockerhub
docker push myUser123/mycurl:latest
# cleanup local images
docker rmi mycurl
docker rmi myUser123/mycurl:latest

Docker-compose files

# Sample docker-compose.yaml with an associated Dockerfile
version: '3'

      - "8080:80"
      context: ./
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
# This bit was added for the workaround below
      name: localdev

# start, first time will build
docker-compose up

# force a rebuild 
docker-compose up --build

# clean up containers
docker-compose rm

Workaround for issues with VPN and address pools


Error received: 
ERROR: could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv4 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network

My recommended work-around is to create a network utilizing an unused private address range on your machine:

docker network create localdev --subnet

Configure docker compose to use this as an external network. Either adding the following to the compose file or the override file as shown:

$ cat docker-compose.override.yml
version: '3'
      name: localdev

Working with a pre-defined image and mapping volumes

# with this version you can make changes on the fly for files in the folder with the docker-compose
version: '3'

    image: php:7.2-apache
      - "8080:80"
      - "./:/var/www/html"

      name: localdev

Extending a predefined image with Dockerfile + docker-compose

The example below will extend the base php-apache image with a bunch of extra modules - e.g mysql

FROM php:7.2-apache

RUN apt-get -y update \
&& apt-get install -y libicu-dev \
&& docker-php-ext-configure intl \
&& docker-php-ext-install intl

RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli && docker-php-ext-enable mysqli
version: '3'

      context: ./
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
    image: php:7.2-apache
      - "8080:80"
      - "./:/var/www/html"
    container_name: my-php-app

      name: localdev

Assuming Docker is already setup…

Really simple HelloWorld java cmd line

 public class HelloWorld {

      public static void main(String[] args){
          System.out.println("Hello World!!!");

# Simple java build
FROM openjdk:11-jdk

ADD . /app WORKDIR /app

RUN ls -l

RUN javac

CMD [ "java", "HelloWorld" ]
sudo docker build . -t blah
sudo docker run -t blah

Running containers as different users

By default, everything inside docker runs as root. This can be problematic if files/directories are created since they will be owned by root.

Example from openapi2puml for working with a jar

# Docker multi-stage build

# 1. Building the App with Maven
FROM maven:3-jdk-11
ADD . /openapi2puml
WORKDIR /openapi2puml

# Just echo so we can see, if everything is there :)
RUN ls -l

# Run Maven build
RUN mvn clean install -DskipTests

# DC - test if we can now see jar\.....
RUN ls -l RUN pwd

# TODO - this part makes the final image include only the JDK but it misses
# the correct copy of the jar to the final image. Currently building the whole project and dumping it to the final image
# Just using the build artifact and then removing the build-container
# FROM openjdk:11-jdk

# DC - copy jar somewhere I can see it
# COPY openapi2puml.jar /openapi2puml/openapi2puml.jar # VOLUME /tmp

# FINAL COMMAND to be executed when a container is created
CMD ["java", "-jar", "/openapi2puml/openapi2puml.jar"]
# build the image
sudo docker build -t openapi2puml-test-image .

# run the container in interactive terminal mode (-it) and override CMD
with bash shell sudo docker run -it openapi2puml-test-image /bin/bash

# run the container normally sudo docker run -it

Volumes and sharing between docker container and host

Experience with openapi2puml and volumes

# I had to map the full path on the host machine to the full container path to get this to work and to see the generate files outside container afterwards.
$ sudo docker run -v $PWD/examples:/openapi2puml/examples -it openapi2puml-test-image

Working with Image Repositories (e.g. dockerhub

Pushing an image to dockerhub

# Create an account on docker hub
$ docker login -u <username>

# docker tag <local image>:<tag version> <dockerhub login>/<repo>:<version tag>
$ docker tag openapi2puml-test-image:latest openapi2puml/openapi2puml:0.0.1
$ docker push openapi2puml/openapi2puml:0.0.1

Getting a list of all the tags on dockerhub

Issues with docker on WSL2

Issue with mapping a data dir for mysql using a volume

In my case the issue occured when mounting a directory from my c drive when using Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2). Mounting a directory from my user directory of the wsl linux system worked fine.

If I understand correctly this seems to be a known issue in docker for windows occurring for named volumes: docker/for-win#4812

TCPDump with Docker containers

If you need to get tcp dumps of traffic within a docker network (eg.g. multiple containers in docker-compose)

  • docker-compose file tells me the ip address used for the network (or defaults to
        driver: "bridge"
            driver: default
                - subnet:
  • On the machine running docker containers we can see the ip address and the associated network name:
$ ip addr
142: br-fe8387ea603a: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default 
    link/ether 02:42:4c:15:26:27 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global br-fe8387ea603a
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::42:4cff:fe15:2627/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
  • We get the interface name and put it in tcpdump using:
    • Port number of our application to filter
    • Limiting to 100 records captured
    • Printin contents of the packets with -A
$ sudo tcpdump -i br-fe8387ea603a port 7323 -c 100 -A


.gR.E\.WHTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: keep-alive
Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, no-transform, no-store
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2335
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 15:36:23 GMT

JMX and docker containers