JSR 303 - Bean Validation Spec
JSR 303 is the Spec dealing with Bean Validation
Two important concepts
- API provided by the JEE lib - javax.validation
- IMPL provided by others (similar to other specs). In this case the reference implementation is the Hibernate validator and is used extensively (e.g. D-API)
Bean Validation can be done by
- Annotations directly on the Bean class itself (most popular way :))
- xml validations file -> useful when no control over bean class you want to validate.
- Programmatic addition of constraints (might be Hibernate specific though ….. )
Example of directly calling the Bean Validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19190592/manually-call-spring-annotation-validation
Validator validator = Validation.buildDefaultValidatorFactory().getValidator();
Driver driver = new Driver();
Car porsche = new Car();
Set<ConstraintViolation<Driver>> violations = validator.validate(driver);
Future Developments:
- BeanValidation 1.0 - JSR 303 is the first spec and is quite old. (2009)
- BeanValidation 1.1 - JSR 349 - already in JEE7 - method-level validation, CDI integration (2013)
- BeanValidation 2.0 - JSR 380 - planned for JEE8 - allow use of Java8 language features.
Useful Links:
- JEE 6 Tutorial example of Bean Validation using the Annotations - http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/gircz.html
- StackOverflow talking about "programmatic" adding of validation constraints - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21736365/jsr-303-bean-validation-contraints-without-annotations
- StackOverflow about calling validation directly - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19190592/manually-call-spring-annotation-validation
- Specification Home + lots of useful info (RedHat)
- Hibernate Validator links
- Programmatic addition of constraints - https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/validator/reference/en-US/html_single/#section-programmatic-api
- XML Config - https://docs.jboss.org/hibernate/stable/validator/reference/en-US/html_single/#chapter-xml-configuration
Errors that can happen if you don't have a provider jar available:
Unable to create a Configuration, because no Bean Validation provider could be found. Add a provider like Hibernate Validator (RI) to your classpath
Hibernate validator
Bean Validation API
Fun with reflection and getting Bean Validation API Payloads
Getting the Payload from the Bean Validation definition
public void throwaway() throws Exception {
TestBean test = new TestBean();
test.test = null;
Set<ConstraintViolation<TestBean>> violations = validator.validate(test);
for (ConstraintViolation<TestBean> violation : violations) {
ConstraintDescriptor<?> constraintDescriptor = violation.getConstraintDescriptor();
for (Class<? extends Payload> payload : constraintDescriptor.getPayload()) {
// Cast to a subclass and then get the fields
CannedMessageEnum msg = (CannedMessageEnum)
// Don't bother with cast and get the field by name instead of index.
CannedMessageEnum msg2 = (CannedMessageEnum)payload.getField("msg").get(payload);
Assert.assertEquals(CannedMessageEnum.MANDATORY_DATA_MISSING.getMsgId(), msg2.getMsgId());
public class TestBean {
@NotNull(message = "Name is mandatory",
payload = MandatoryData.class)
String test;
@NotNull(message = "Name is mandatory",
payload = DCTest.class)
String testNonExistantCannedMsg;
public interface DCTest extends Payload {
CannedMessageEnum msg = CannedMessageEnum.NOT_EXISTING_MSG;
Getting the QueryParam "value" attribute to see the query parameter input field value
static final String QUERY_PARAM_SOURCE = "value";
* Look for QueryParam annotation and retrieve its "value" property as the source e.g. @QueryParam("origin")String
* origin;
* @param annotations
* @return String - parameter value to use as the issue source. null if the parameter could not be determined from the
* annotations
public String getSourceParameter(Annotation[] annotations) {
String parameter = null;
if (annotations.length == 1) {
Annotation annotation = annotations[0];
if (annotation.annotationType() == javax.ws.rs.QueryParam.class) {
try {
parameter = annotation.annotationType().getMethod(QUERY_PARAM_SOURCE).invoke(annotation).toString();
} catch (InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException
| SecurityException e) {
logger.warn("Query Parameter Value could not be determined, default value null will be used. ", e);
parameter = null;
return parameter;